Dancing lessons are very beneficial for children to take, shortly after they begin walking. Most ballet studios have classes starting at the age of two. Ballet encompasses a lot of gross motor skills such as walking, running, jumping, and kicking. Gross motor skills are defined as any movement that involves large muscles in your arms, legs, and torso. Here are some principles of ballet that help with gross motor skill development:
Standing properly – Ballet dancing lessons will teach your child how to stand with proper posture. Your child will learn to have their torso aligned with their head and neck at the beginning of each new routine they are taught during their dancing lessons.
Turning out – Everyone will be at a different level of flexibility when it comes to turning out for ballet. We will teach your child that their legs rotate from their hip socket, followed by their feet. Your child shouldn’t try to rotate their hip socket too far because they could hurt themselves.
Balance – Dancing lessons will teach your child how to balance because ballet always has you on your toes. Children who learn to balance tend to have better athletic abilities than those who don’t.
Classical technique – Many rules are followed by ballerinas all around the world, that your child will be taught during their dancing lessons. Learning the technical rules of ballet will teach your child how to follow directions which is another great skill for them to have as they get older.
Weight transfers – The jumping, turning, and balancing in ballet will help tremendously with your child’s gross motor skills development. Learning to jump and turn can be difficult skills for a child to learn, but repetition during dancing lessons will help.
Coordination – Dancing lessons are all about coordination, so if your child is not coordinated that is the perfect reason to enroll them in ballet early. Our ballet instructors will teach your child how to move more than one part of their body at a time.